We hope that you will find the answer to your questions here. If you can’t, please contact us and we will be happy to help you – and then we can add another FAQ to our list!
Thank you for your understanding and support of our Scout Group.
The Scouts is a membership organization and all Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts pay a subscription fee (‘subs’) to be a member.
It’s easy! Subs are £12 per month and are payable by direct debit through Online Scout Manager, or OSM for short.
We’ll send you an email from OSM asking you to setup a direct debit. That’s’ it!
We’ll cancel the payments if you child leaves the Scout Group. (Please make sure you tell us you have left)
If the leaders took cash from parents each month there would be an awful lot of money floating around each week with nobody to look after it properly while everybody is busy doing the important stuff – Scouting. Paying through OSM is safer and easier – and you don’t have to remember to pay every month that way!
Our Group’s subs are not calculated by meeting dates, which happen both in term time and also on occasions in the school holidays. We could ask for the full annual fee in advance, like a gym, but we don’t feel that’s the right thing to do. We feel that taking monthly payments makes budgeting for families easier. A monthly direct debit makes this payment easier for everyone.
As we are a uniformed organisation, we expect your child to wear uniform for all weekly meetings unless otherwise instructed by their section leaders. This consists of dark coloured outdoor trousers / shorts, the top or shirt that is relevant for their section, their neckerchief and woggle. Uniform should also be worn when your child is travelling to and from an organised camp. Full uniform together with dark shoes must be worn at any parades that the Group take part in.
Nothing, nada, zilch, zero…
All of our leaders and every adult involved in our Group gives their time, skills and efforts voluntarily and without payment of any kind.
Your subs are what keep us going. Our Group does not receive any regular external funding.
We are occasionally lucky enough to benefit from donations by parents, or grants from companies, organisation, or local/national authorities who wish to support us.
If you feel you are able to help with a donation as a one of or as a regular monthly subscription please use the donate button at the top of every page.
The Executive Committee (Charity Trustees) is responsible for ensuring that the Scout Group’s finances are secure and spent wisely. The committee meets around every 2-3months and a finance report is a standing agenda item.
If you have any questions about the Exec or are interested in joining to help out, please let us know!
Yes please! We record Gift Aid in OSM and send emails to parents asking them to opt in if they are eligible.
If you need help, contact us and we will come to your aid! And …THANK YOU!
No worries. Contact us and we will arrange for you to speak to someone in complete confidence.
The reason we Scout is to give the young people in our Group the opportunity to take part in a wide range of exciting and happy experiences – if your child wants to be a part of it, we want to help you find a way to make it happen.
No problem. Let your child’s leader know and they will resend it.
No problem. Just use the Forgotten Password feature at onlinescoutmanager.co.uk.
We are always pleased to hear from anyone wishing to join our group. However, unfortunately, they cannot just turn up to a meeting night. We have waiting lists for all sections. All those wishing to join must complete the waiting list application form here. This ensures that all those on the waiting list are offered places on a fair basis.
In your last term of Squirrels/Beavers/Cubs/Scouts you will be introduced to the Section Leader of the next age group to arrange your choice of meeting night at the new section. After we confirm a space for your child we will arrange for them to attend three transition nights at their next section before moving up the following term.
We provide all members with the above as part of their welcome/joining pack and is included in the joining fee. If your child loses any of the above they will need to be replaced at a small cost to yourselves. Please speak to your section leader or check the online shop to obtain replacements.
All Scouting Leaders and Group Executive Committee members are volunteers who DO NOT get paid. They give up their own personal family time during the week and quite often at weekends to run scouting activities for your children. So please be patient if, on the rare occasion, a leader arrives a little late for a weekly meeting night because they have perhaps been delayed at work or home.
We appreciate that on some occasions young people are not able to attend a weekly meeting. However we would like to point out that during a term leaders may plan a series of weekly meetings that will cover certain aspects of a badge or an award. Therefore if your child does not attend every week it may mean that they could miss out on being awarded a certain badge.
Subs are paid at the begging of every month, including school holidays, in order to secure your child’s place at their weekly meeting for the following term. If subs are not paid by the end of the term, we will assume your son/daughter is not returning for the next term. We will then offer the spaces that we have available to the children on our waiting list. Unfortunately if at a later date your child decides they wish to return they may have to go on the waiting list.
No worries. All our event payments are taken via Online Scout Manager, or ‘OSM’ for short. Are you on OSM? You need to be! You can access OSM from this link onlinescoutmanager.co.uk.
If you find yourself in a difficult situation and are unable to make a payment please don’t hesitate to contact your section leader in confidence who can discuss with you further.
You will find links on our scout group website, on the Uniform, Costs and Fee’s page or on your own section page towards the bottom, will show you the correct location of where all badges go on scouting uniform.