© 2022 Copyright 6th Gosport Scout Group, All rights reserved.
Registered Charity in England and Wales: 302243
To provide Section Leaders with an opportunity to plan and review a sectional programme including the use of a variety of methods to generate programme ideas.
To validate this module the learner will need to:
And complete two of the following:
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with a Training Adviser if necessary. Any additional validation criteria created will need to check what you have learnt and that you can apply the skills that you have acquired to your role.
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms of evidence that the learner may wish to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between you and the Learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding in their role.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly is you will get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is also a link to the programme planning tool below. This is a really useful tool and I strongly encourage you to have a look.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
To encourage adults to gain and develop practical skills for the benefit of the young people in their section.
To validate this module the learner will need to complete two of the following:
Evidence you could use may include one or more of the following: a visit to observe the learner, a
written or verbal statement from an observer describing you demonstrating a practical skill the learner have learnt or developed, photos or videos of the learner demonstrating two practical skills, a qualification in a practical skill, programme plans, instructions for carrying out a practical skill, risk assessments for carrying out a practical skill discussion with the learning, this will focus on the learner demonstrating a practical skill and should be accompanied by another form of evidence.
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with the learner if necessary. Any additional validation criteria created will need to check the learner’s knowledge and that they can apply the skills acquired to their role in Scouting.
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms of evidence that the learner may wish to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between you and the Learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding in their role.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly they will cover everything you need to learn. This will put you in a great position to validate the training for these modules .
You will also get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside of the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
To enable adults to plan and run exciting, safe and developmental activities for the young people in their section.
To validate this module the learner will need to complete two of the following:
Evidence you could use may include one or more of the following: a visit to observe the learner in a programme planning meeting, a written or verbal statement from an observer describing the learner’s role in planning an activity for the section, programme plans, risk assessments, InTouch procedure documents, registers, and letters to parents or budgets, a discussion with the learner, this should focus on how the learner has incorporated the criteria above when planning an activity for the section and should be accompanied by another form of evidence.
Evidence you could use may include one or more of the following: a sectional visit to observe the learner acting as the leader in charge for an activity for the section, a written or verbal statement from an observer describing the learner’s role in acting as the leader in charge for an activity for the section, programme plans, risk assessments, InTouch procedure documents, registers, letters to parents or budgets, showing the perspective of the leader in charge, discussion with the learner, this should focus on how the learner incorporated the criteria above whilst acting as the leader in charge for an activity and should be accompanied by another form of evidence.
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with the learner if necessary. Any additional validation criteria created will need to check the learner’s knowledge and that they can apply the skills acquired to their role in Scouting.
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms of evidence that the learner may wish to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between you and the Learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding in their role.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly they will cover everything you need to learn. This will put you in a great position to validate the training for these modules .
You will also get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside of the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
An overview of the role of residential experiences for young people in Scouting, and their organisation and planning.
Please note that the nights away permit scheme is operated separately from the Adult Training Scheme. The learner will be required to complete additional training and assessment separately from the completion and validation of this module if they wish to achieve a night’s away permit.
If the learner holds the Nights Away Permit, this will count as validation for this module.
To validate this module the learner will need to:
And complete one of the following:
Evidence you could use may include one or more of the following: team rotas, letters to parents or contingency planning documents from a residential experience, a visit to a camp briefing in which the learner is playing a part, a written or verbal statement from an observer describing the learner’s role in planning or supporting a residential experience, discussion with the learner, this should focus on the role that they played in planning or supporting the residential experience and be accompanied by another form of evidence.
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with the learner if necessary. Any additional validation criteria created will need to check the learner’s knowledge and that they can apply the skills acquired to their role in Scouting.
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms of evidence that the learner may wish to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between you and the learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding in their role.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly they will cover everything you need to learn. This will put you in a great position to validate the training for these modules .
You will also get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside of the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
To cover ways in which an adult volunteering in a section can assist their line manager and others to plan for and contribute to the growth of their section and/or group.
To validate this module the learner will need to:
Explain the role that they play in the recruitment and retention of young people and adults and explain why growing Scouting is important, giving examples of new members (adults or young people) who have joined Scouting as a direct result of action they have undertaken, and the steps that they took to enable this to happen.
And complete two of the following:
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with the learner if necessary. Any additional
validation criteria created will need to check the learner’s knowledge and that they can apply the skills acquired to their role in Scouting.
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms of evidence that the learner may wish to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between you and the learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding in their role.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly they will cover everything you need to learn. This will put you in a great position to validate the training for these modules .
You will also get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside of the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
To understand the underlying functions required to work effectively as a member of an adult team.
To validate this module the learner will need to complete two of the following:
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with the learner if necessary. Any additional
validation criteria created will need to check the learner’s knowledge and that they can apply the skills acquired to their role in Scouting.
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms of evidence that the learner may wish to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between you and the Learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding in their role.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly they will cover everything you need to learn. This will put you in a great position to validate the training for these modules .
You will also get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside of the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
To introduce models, tools and techniques that will enable adults to be effective leaders of other adults and of young people.
To validate this module, you’ll need to complete two of the following:
Some examples of how you can demonstrate these actions to a Training Adviser are:
See the Adult Personal File (pages 71 and 72) for more examples of how you can demonstrate what you’ve learnt.
You can start other Section Leader training modules before validating this one.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly is you will get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
To provide leaders, managers and supporters with information about how we deliver Scouting to young people and young adults, and how we ensure it meets their needs.
To validate this module the learner will need to complete the following:
Managers and Supporters will also need to complete one of the following:
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with the learner if necessary. Any additional validation criteria created will need to check the learner’s knowledge and that they can apply the skills acquired to their role in Scouting.
Section Leaders are also required to complete Programme Planning (12B)
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms of evidence that the learner may wish to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between you and the learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding to their role.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly is you will get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is also a link to the programme planning tool below. This is a really useful tool and I strongly encourage you to have a look.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
To promote the policies of The Scouts that encourage inclusion and to consider how the individual, in their role, can help make Scouting available to all.
To validate this module the learner will need to complete one of the following:
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with the learner if necessary. Any additional validation criteria created will need to check the learner’s knowledge and that they can apply the skills acquired to their role in Scouting.
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms of evidence that the learner may wish to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between you and the learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding in their role.
Administration is a key part of our daily lives and day jobs. So you might find you already have the skills you require to validate this module. If not, don’t worry you can can use the workbook below or utilise one of the Hampshire Scout Led courses to further develop your knowledge and help prepare you for validating this module.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly is you will get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
To promote the policies of The Scouts that encourage inclusion and to consider how the individual, in their role, can help make Scouting available to all.
To validate this module the learner will need to complete one of the following:
Outline the Equal Opportunities Policy and explain how you are making Scouting a diverse and inclusive organisation by completing one of the following tasks:
Evidence you could use may include one or more of the following: a sectional visit to the learner observing them running an activity or game to increase awareness of additional needs or equal opportunities, a visit to the learner observing them running a recruitment event that highlights that Scouting is open to all, a written or verbal statement from an observer summarising the learner’s role in an activity to make Scouting more accessible, videos or photos of the learner running an activity or game, an article in a magazine/on the internet showing that Scouting is open to all.
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with the learner if necessary. Any additional validation criteria created will need to check the learner’s knowledge and ensure that they can apply the skills acquired to their role in Scouting.
Managers should also:
Produce a plan to help their Group/District better reflect the community in which they live and give
examples of how you are putting it into action. This could relate to any of the strands of diversity
and inclusion.
Evidence you could use may include one or more of the following: a copy of a development plan, photos or videos demonstrating the learner putting the diversity plan into action, a visit to the learner observing them creating a plan, a visit to the learner observing them putting the plan into action through an activity or event, a written or verbal statement from an observer summarising the learner’s role in creating a plan, a written or verbal statement from an observer summarising the learner’s role in an activity or event to realise the plan, a discussion with the learner, the discussion should focus on their plan and activities or events they will use to put it into action and be accompanied by another form of evidence.
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms of evidence that the learner wishes to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between you and the learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding in their role.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly is you will get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
To provide an international focus appropriate to their section and appreciate the global nature of Scouting.
To validate this module the learner will need to:
And complete two of the following:
Evidence you could use may include one or more of the following: a visit from to observe the learner
planning and running an activity; a written or verbal statement from an observer describing the learner’s role in planning and running an activity with the young people in the section, programme plans, instructions for an event or activity with young people, photos of videos of a game or activity the learner has run, discussion with the learner, this should focus on their role in running a game or activity for young people and should be accompanied by another form of evidence.
Evidence you could use may include one or more of the following: a visit from to a planning
meeting the learner is supporting, a sectional visit that showcases the learner’s support to young people taking part in an international experience, a written or verbal statement from an observer describing your role in providing support to young people attending an international experience, letters and other resources created to support young people on an international experience, discussion with the learner, this should focus on their role providing support to young people attending an international experience and should be accompanied by another form of evidence.
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with the learner if necessary. Any additional
validation criteria created will need to check the learner’s knowledge and that they can apply the skills acquired to their role in Scouting.
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms of evidence that the learner may wish to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between you and the Learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding in their role.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly they will cover everything you need to learn. This will put you in a great position to validate the training for these modules .
You will also get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside of the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
To enable adult volunteers working with young people, to understand and meet their needs.
To validate this module the learner will need to complete one of the following:
And also complete one of the following:
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with the learner if necessary. Any additional
validation criteria created will need to check the learner’s knowledge and that they can apply the skills acquired to their role in Scouting.
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms of evidence that the learner may wish to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between you and the learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding in their role.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly they will cover everything you need to learn. This will put you in a great position to validate the training for these modules .
You will also get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside of the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
To enable adult volunteers working with young people, to understand and meet their needs.
To validate this module the learner will need to complete one of the following:
And complete one of the following:
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with the learner if necessary. Any additional validation criteria created will need to check the learner’s knowledge and that they can apply the skills acquired to their role in Scouting.
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms of evidence that the learner may wish to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between
you and the learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding in their role.
Hampshire Scouts run a comprehensive training programme. As part of this they run many training days throughout the year. These can be evenings or whole weekends, and by attending one of these courses will give you all the skills you require to validate your training.
If you follow the link below it will take you the Hampshire Scouts Website. Here you can see all the upcoming course dates and book yourself on.
I strongly recommend these courses. They are delivered in a way that enables you to link in with other Scouters from across county, meet some of the County team, but most importantly they will cover everything you need to learn. This will put you in a great position to validate the training for these modules .
You will also get a perspective and hear experiences from members of Scouting from outside of the group. This enables us to continue to grow and continually develop to give the best that we can to the young people of Gosport.
There is no online E-Learning for this module.
To explore the Fundamentals of Scouting and the Religious Policy; and to consider their relationship with the high-quality balanced programme delivered to young people.
To validate this module, the learner will need to complete two of the following:
Additional validation criteria can be created in consultation with the learner if necessary. Any additional validation criteria created will need to check the learner’s knowledge and that they can apply the skills acquired to their role in Scouting.
The list of evidence provided for each validation criteria is not exhaustive and there may be other forms
of evidence that the learner may wish to use to validate this module. These can be agreed between you and the learner. In addition to looking at the evidence the learner provides, you will need to review and prompt them to explain some elements of the evidence in order to ensure that they have applied their knowledge and understanding in their role.
To provide all adults in Scouting with the essential information needed to get started in their role.
By doing this training you will:
To validate the Module, you will need to:
You’ll learn about the roles in your section, and how we use activities and games at Scouts.
You’ll also learn about Youth Shaped Scouting, and get some tips on promoting positive behaviour.
Getting Started is a collection of e-learning modules that help new volunteers settle in their role.
You can complete them in any order, at a time that suits you, within the first five months of volunteering.
You don’t need a Compass login to access our e-learning courses.
Tools for the Role (Section Leaders) is one of the Getting Started modules.
Validation is the process of confirming you’ve completed your training, understood the content and are able to apply what you’ve learned.
There are two parts to validating this module:
If you do the learning for this module, don’t forget to get your Compass records updated appropriately. Your Training Adviser can help with this.
The accessibility tools guide provides some hints and tips on how to build accessibility features into your device.
If e-learning doesn’t suit your needs, talk to your line manager or Training Adviser. They can provide one-to-one support or advise you to complete this module as a course or in a small group locally.