My Learning Journey
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Welcome to the 6th Gosport Training Hub
Welcome to #Team6th. Here you will find all your training needs to get you started on your learning journey to fulfilling your new role within Scouting.
To help you along the way there are many people who can, and will help you. 6th Gosport pride ourselves on our team spirit and you will always be welcome to chat and ask questions. However your 2 main points of contact are the groups training advisors.
Nigel and Theresa have been at the group for a number of years and are always happy to help. You can find their profiles and their contact details below.
In addition to the above, as a group we use social media, this is in the format of a closed Facebook group and also a WhatsApp group. You will be invited to join both of these when you join. These are both good places to ask for any help or assistance.
Remember we pride ourselves on our team ethos at 6th, so any questions feel free to ask you section leader, either of the Training Advisors or any of the social channels. You can always email the training email by clicking on the button below.
First Steps
Register for Compass
Compass is the Scout adult member management system and this is where all our adult members records are kept. It is this you will use to identify what training you have completed and what you have outstanding. Click here to login/register.
We need to identify what knowledge and skills you bring with you and what gaps in knowledge and experience you have. This allows us to help you meet the standards required to be able to move onto Step 3.
"Learning is optional but validation is mandatory!"
This is the most important part of the training process. This is where you need to demonstrate that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to meet the validation criteria laid down. This can be done in many ways and a sit down with your TA (Training Advisor) will identify the best ways for you.