Red & Yellow Card Policy

Red & Yellow Card’s
This policy is for all sections across 6th Gosport. As part of our scout values, we wish to provide a safe and fun environment for all of our young people that welcomes all. Our adult volunteers will ensure that this is always the case and enforce the yellow and red card policy within our group:
Yellow card
The yellow card acts as a warning. If your young person receives two yellow cards within the half term, the leader in charge will determine whether they should miss an evening or a trip. This will be communicated and discussed with parents/carers. Examples of receiving a yellow card are (but not restricted to):
– Foul language
– Persistently refusing/ignoring instructions
– Unkind comments
– Rough/horseplay
Red card
The red card will be issued for either of the following:
The young person has received two yellow cards within the half term and has continued to display examples of the above unwanted behaviour so now moves to a red card.
The young person has displayed behaviour that is detrimental to themselves/fellow scouts/the scouting ethos. Below are some examples of what can determine a red card (but not limited to)
– Any form of violence against a peer, adult, equipment or infastructure
– Bullying
– Language or actions that display any form discrimination
– Refusal to follow instructions that puts themselves, peers or leaders in danger when taking part in activities
If your young person receives a red card, the section leader will be in contact with you to discuss plans going forward. Your young person will immediately miss any following meetings and trips until a meeting has been had with your section leader and our GSL Lee or AGSL Lisa, during this meeting you will be able to work with them to reflect on what happened and best actions going forward, your young person will then need to agree to adhere to our behaviour policy and will be placed onto a half term probation period. During this period, your young person will not be able to receive a yellow or red card.
Additonal Notes
Please note that we understand specific young people will have needs that we always endeavour to adapt to and the sections age ranges from 4-14 years old. Due to this, the yellow and red card will be considered and matched with age group, the leaders are experienced within their sections age ranges and can support your young person to promote positive behaviour.
The yellow and red card may come across a little daunting and these will only be used as a last resort in the situations. Rarely will young people get to these levels of poor behaviour on either card as expectations are made very clear and leaders always do what they can to support the young people within their section to act in a positive way to themselves and others.
Leaders will always do their best to communicate any worries with parents and carers, we ask you also do the same with us so we can work together to support your young person.
Should you feel that the decision to offer a Red or Yellow card is unfair or you disagree around the circumstances of the issuing of the card please in the first instance communicate your feelings with the Section Leader in charge of issuing the card.
Should you be satisfied with the outcome of this conversation all appeals can be addressed via email to