Code of Conduct
Code of conduct
At 6th Gosport we think it is important to promote a fun and educational setting that is safe, inclusive and everyone feels welcome. We achieve this by agreeing to abide by a set of rules. This set of rules we call our code of conduct.
This code of conduct has been written in collaboration between the young people and the Leaders. It is also agreed by the both the young people and the Leaders at the start of each year.
Together we will:
- Respect everyone, property, equipment and time.
- Listen to each other and avoid inappropriate shouting and calling out
- Not use bad language or bully anyone at all times.
- Keep our hands to ourselves.
- Be quiet and sensible during ceremonies and explanations
- Set a good example to those around us.
- Be smart, on time, and wear our uniform with pride
- Get involved and give our best effort to all activities
- Will not bring electronic devices to meetings unless asked to by Leaders
- Avoid bringing unnecessary items to meetings (food, toys, games, gadgets etc)
- Keep our promise and Law
- Most importantly… Have Fun……..
Red & Yellow Card’s
Deviation from the standards of behaviour we expect will be dealt with by the use of our Yellow and Red card policy. This policy can be found here..